


EUROCITIES is the network of major European cities. Founded in 1986, we bring together the local governments of over 135 large cities in 35 European countries. EUROCITIES represents the interests of its members and engages in dialogue with the European institutions on a wide range of policy areas affecting cities. Through our forums, working groups, projects and events, EUROCITIES provides a platform for promoting the urban agenda in European policy making and for sharing knowledge between our member cities.

EUROCITIES covers a variety of policy areas with an urban dimension, including energy and environment, mobility, social affairs, economic development and cohesion policy, culture, and knowledge society.

EUROCITIES has a rich experience of shaping European policy – both to ensure it is based on front line experience and to increase recognition and resources for cities in addressing Europe’s strategic priorities. To this end, EUROCITIES works on a daily basis with the European Commission, as well as with the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions and EU member states.

Our day-to-day work is carried out through six thematic forums and a number of related working groups, in which our members participate. Forums monitor developments in particular policy areas, addressing issues and coordinating activities. The Environment Forum of EUROCITIES counts 5 working groups including one on waste. Working Group Waste is headed by the city of Olso and focuses much of its attention on following up the legislative proposals from the Commission namely the Waste framework directive and the wide circular economy package.