Latest news about WEEE!

COLLECTORS’ partner WEEE Forum shares some of the latest news from its network:

In 2017, Norwegian take-back companies collected a total of 143,000 tonnes of WEEE, among which 83% was transformed into valuable raw materials

Out of these collected quantities, 119,000 tonnes were recovered. However, Norway must collect 43,000 tonnes more to reach the new 65% target set by the EU regulation, which will require the active involvement of the population.


Repic enlists eight primary schools to write recycling adventure book

UK’s largest WEEE producer compliance schemes has collaborated with eight schools to write a story book called ‘Pass it on’, telling the story of “A Most Unexpected Day at the Recycling Plant”.


Recyclers conquer Ireland’s electronic waste mountain, reaching a 66% collection rate for electronic waste in 2017

Despite the positive evolution of consumption patterns and of WEEE sorting, more than 30% of WEEE is still either improperly disposed of or stored in homes. It is also important to shift for different consumption systems promoting repair or deposit schemes for electronic appliances.